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Back to Basics – What is SQL?

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Hello and welcome back to another post! In this post, I would like to go back to basics. I personally think that having a good foundation of something, helps us to understand more complicated things. In this case, I’m going to talk about what is SQL, what is used for… Read More »Back to Basics – What is SQL?


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Hello, welcome back! In this post, I’m going to show you how to use FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() window functions. These functions belong to the offset window functions, which are function that are able to take a peek at another row like LEAD() and LAG() as I showed you in one… Read More »Using FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE

Dynamic Data Masking in SQL Server

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Hello and welcome back to another post! I’m not sure about you guys, but in different jobs I’ve had, there’s always people querying the production database, accessing to sensitive information that they should not be allowed to see like phone numbers, social security numbers, accounts and more. As DBAs and… Read More »Dynamic Data Masking in SQL Server

Dynamic PIVOT with SQL Server

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Hello and welcome back to LearningSQL with Beno! In my last post, we learned how to use PIVOT and UNPIVOT statements to change rows to columns and columns to rows. This is a great tool when we need to do this kind of analysis of our data. However, I did… Read More »Dynamic PIVOT with SQL Server

Pivoting in SQL Server

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Hello, welcome back to another post on LearningSQL with Beno. Do you remember that in my last post I needed to use recursive CTEs in order to create a BOM? No, that’s okay, you can check it out here. I am not sure if I mentioned that while doing that… Read More »Pivoting in SQL Server

Recursion with T – SQL

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Hey there, long time no see! I know I’ve been absent for a while, but you know… the holidays, the food, Christmas, new year… all that, plus now that with all the craziness happening with the COVID-19, it’s time to get back to learning. So, let me tell you, a… Read More »Recursion with T – SQL

The OUTPUT clause

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Hey there! Welcome back to another post. Today, I’m going to talk about something not a lot of people use and but some others do, and probably don’t quite understand. The OUTPUT clause. Some people might have seen it before in the MERGE statement but not many people know that… Read More »The OUTPUT clause