Hey there!
So, I recently ran into this forgotten SQL function called SIGN(), this is a mathematical function that may not be commonly associated with financial analysis, but it can prove to be a powerful tool in certain scenarios.
The SIGN() function can return +1 when the specified expression is positive, -1 when the expression is negative or 0 when it’s zero. This function can be quite handy, particularly for those folks doing financial data analysis.
Let’s see an example using this function.
The Set Up
First I’ll create a table and insert some values that would simulate the daily profit or loss of a company for the last 180 days.
CREATE TABLE dbo.daily_profit
date DATE,
profit DECIMAL(10,2),
revenue DECIMAL(10,2),
expenses DECIMAL(10,2),
Very simple and straightforward table, with just four columns. Now, let’s generate 180 days of values can calculate the profits based on the formula profit = revenue - expenses
WITH dates AS
CAST(ROUND(1000 + (ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 1000000)/100.0, 2) AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS revenue,
CAST(ROUND(500 + (ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 1000000)/100.0, 2) AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS expenses
INSERT INTO dbo.daily_profit(date, revenue, expenses, profit)
*, revenue - expenses AS profit
date ASC;
Let’s query the table and see what it looks like.
SELECT date, profit, revenue, expenses FROM dbo.daily_profit;
date profit revenue expenses
---------- -------------- -------------- ------------
2024-02-21 1439.64 10461.24 9021.60
2024-02-20 -2334.20 2344.88 4679.08
2024-02-19 4244.82 10173.05 5928.23
2024-02-18 4418.97 5297.38 878.41
2024-02-17 1680.12 3247.45 1567.33
2024-02-16 -4091.95 1339.46 5431.41
The SIGN() Function in Financial Data Analysis
Using the SIGN() function, we can quickly categorize these records into profitable (where profit > 0), breakeven (where profit = 0), and loss making (where profit < 0). This categorization can help analysts to quickly understand the performance trends and to identify any outliers or significant changes in performance.
CASE SIGN(profit)
WHEN 1 THEN 'is profitable'
WHEN 0 THEN 'breakeven'
WHEN -1 THEN 'loss making'
END AS performance
date ASC;
date profit performance
---------- --------------------------------------- -------------
2023-08-26 2006.57 is profitable
2023-08-27 -1078.00 loss making
2023-08-28 1798.61 is profitable
2023-08-29 3335.40 is profitable
2023-08-30 5861.58 is profitable
2023-08-31 -5517.12 loss making
2023-09-01 7009.96 is profitable
2023-09-02 5017.27 is profitable
2023-09-03 -8588.00 loss making
2023-09-04 -1485.25 loss making
2023-09-05 -1314.14 loss making
2023-09-06 -977.84 loss making
Tracking the Direction of Profit Change with the SIGN() Function
The SIGN() function can also be combined with other functions to create more complex financial indicators. For example, you can combine SIGN() with the LAG() function to track the direction of change in the profits.
You might be interested in knowing whether has increased, decreased or remained the same compared to the previous day.
CASE SIGN(profit - LAG(profit) OVER (ORDER BY date))
WHEN 1 THEN 'Increased'
WHEN 0 THEN 'No change'
WHEN -1 THEN 'Decreased'
END as profit_change_direction
Date ProfitChangeDirection
---------- ---------------------
2023-08-26 NULL
2023-08-27 Decreased
2023-08-28 Increased
2023-08-29 Increased
2023-08-30 Increased
2023-08-31 Decreased
2023-09-01 Increased
2023-09-02 Decreased
2023-09-03 Decreased
2023-09-04 Increased
The SIGN() function can play a pivotal role in financial analysis. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a valuable addition to your SQL toolkit.
Thank you for reading! Remember that you can get the code for this and all my previous posts in my Github.
Cheers! 🍻
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